U15 HL A
Renfrew Tournament
Renfrew, ON
AMHA Tournament - U11 House B
U11 HL1
U11 House Home Tournament
NSC, Arnprior, ON
U11 HL2
U11 House Home Tournament
NSC, Arnprior, ON
Timbits U7 Red
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL B
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL2
Shared Practice with U13 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 Rep
@ Muskrat VoyageursU11R-36
U18 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 Rep
@ Petawawa PatriotsU13R-35
Petawawa Civic
U18 HL1
@ Renfrew Timberwolves 1U18H-066
Pad 2 - BEI
U13 HL2
@ Renfrew Timberwolves 1U13H-072
Pad 1 - Deslaurier
U11 Rep
Shared Practice with U13 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
Timbits U7 Blue
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Green
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Yellow
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL1
vs Muskrat 2U11H-088
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
vs Petawawa Tier 3 - 2U9T3-19
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
vs Muskrat Tier 3 -1U9T3-18
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL2
vs Renfrew Timberwolves 2U11H-090
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 HL1
vs Muskrat 1U13H-074
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U15 HL A
vs Eganville EaglesU15A-26
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 HL2
@ Petawawa Patriots 2U11H-092
Petawawa Civic
U18 HL1
vs Eganville Eagles 1U18H-072
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Black
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Red
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 Rep
vs Petawawa PatriotsU11R-39
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
@ U9 Tier 4 - FalconsU9G1-21
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 Rep
vs Renfrew TimberwolvesU13R-39
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL B
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U18 HL2
vs Eganville Eagles 2U18H-073
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 Rep
Can/Am Montreal
Montreal, QC
U11 Rep
@ Brampton 45s1
Sportsplexe Pierrefonds
U11 Rep
vs Markham Islanders2
Sportsplexe Pierrefonds
U11 Rep
Can/Am Montreal
Montreal, QC
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
@ Barry's Bay Tier 3 - 1U9T3-23
Barrys Bay PJYCC
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
@ Deep River Tier 3 - 1U9T3-24
Deep River
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
@ Renfrew Tier 4 - 3U9G2-26
Pad 1 - Deslaurier
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
@ Petawawa Tier 4 - 4U9G1-23
Silver Dart (Bear - A)
U15 HL A
@ Renfrew Timberwolves - AU15A-28
Pad 2 - BEI
U11 Rep
@ Plattsburgh Jr Cardinals3
Sportsplexe Pierrefonds
U11 Rep
vs Shoot out/RelayShoot out/Relay
Sportsplexe Pierrefonds Rink 2
U15 HL B
@ Muskrat 1U15B-046
U11 Rep
Can/Am Montreal
Montreal, QC
U11 Rep
@ Char-Lan RebelsFinals
Sportplexe Pierrefonds
U13 HL1
@ Muskrat 2U13H-083
U13 Rep
Shared Practice with U11 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
Timbits U7 Blue
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Green
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Yellow
vs Arnprior Timbits U7 Black
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
vs Muskrat Tier 4 - 3U9G2-29
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL2
vs Muskrat 2U11H-104
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 HL2
vs Muskrat 1U13H-086
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL1
vs Pembroke Kings 1U13H-090
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL A
@ Pembroke Kings - AU15A-30
Pembroke PACC
U11 HL2
@ Petawawa Patriots 1U11H-106
Petawawa Civic
U18 HL2
@ U18 HL1U18H-083
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Black
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Red
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
@ Barry's Bay Tier 4 - 1U9G1-28
Barrys Bay PJYCC
U11 Rep
vs Renfrew TimberwolvesU11R-47
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 Rep
vs Deep River KnightsU13R-46
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL B
vs Petawawa Patriots 1U15B-051
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U18 HL1
@ U18 HL2U18H-086
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U15 HL A
Pembroke Tournament
Petawawa, ON
U11 HL2
Shared Practice with U11 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL B
@ Petawawa Patriots 2U15B-052
Petawawa Civic
U15 HL A
Pembroke Tournament
Petawawa, ON
U18 HL2
Muskrat U18 House Tournament
Cobden, ON
U13 Rep
Renfrew Wolves U13 Rep B Tournament
Renfrew, ON
U13 Rep
@ Muskrat Voyageurs1
Mateway (Renfrew) Pad 1 DES
Timbits U7 Yellow
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Blue
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Green
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
vs Barry's Bay Tier 3 - 1U9T3-28
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
vs Deep River Tier 3 - 1U9T3-29
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
vs Renfrew Tier 4 - 4U9G2-32
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
@ Eganville Tier 4 - 1U9G1-31
U11 HL1
vs Deep River Knights 2U11H-110
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 Rep
@ Valley StormU11R-48
U18 HL1
vs Pembroke Kings 2U18H-089
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL A
Pembroke Tournament
Petawawa, ON
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Black
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Red
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 Rep
Shared Practice with U13 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL2
vs Renfrew Timberwolves 1U13H-093
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 Rep
@ Muskrat VoyageursU11R-50
U15 HL A
@ Petawawa Patriots - AU15A-33
Petawawa Civic
U18 HL2
vs Petawawa Patriots 2U18H-092
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL2
@ Petawawa Patriots 3U13H-095
Petawawa Civic
U11 HL2
@ Pembroke Kings 3U11H-119
Pembroke PMC
U15 HL B
Shared Practice with U18 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
Timbits U7 Blue
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Green
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Yellow
vs Arnprior U7 Red
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL1
vs Renfrew Timberwolves 2U11H-121
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
vs Petawawa Tier 3 - 1U9T3-34
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 Rep
vs Petawawa PatriotsU13R-48
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 HL1
vs Pembroke Kings 2U13H-097
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U18 HL1
vs Pembroke Kings 1U18H-097
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Black
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Red
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
@ Eganville Tier 3 - 1U9T3-36
U11 Rep
vs Pembroke KingsU11R-53
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
vs Renfrew Tier 4 - 2U9G1-36
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL2
vs Petawawa Patriots 3U11H-111
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL B
vs Renfrew TimberwolvesU15B-056
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U15 HL A
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U18 HL2
vs Renfrew Timberwolves 2U18H-110
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 HL1
@ Renfrew Timberwolves 1U13H-101
Pad 2 - BEI
AMHA Tournament - U9 Jamboree Tier 3
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
U9 Tier 3 Home Tournament
NSC, Arnprior, ON
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
U9 Tier 3 Home Tournament
NSC, Arnprior, ON
U11 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Blue
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Green
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Yellow
vs Renfrew Bruins
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
vs Lietrim Hawks
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
@ Kanata Thunder B61
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
@ Muskrat Tier 4 - 4U9G2-43
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
vs West Carleton Warriors U9B3
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 Rep
@ Pembroke KingsU13R-51
Pembroke PACC
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
@ Fort-Coulonge Comets2
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL1
@ Eganville Eagles 1U11H-125
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
vs Leitrim Hawks 3
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
vs Fort Coulonge Comets
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U15 HL B
vs Deep River KnightsU15B-058
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL A
vs Eganville EaglesU15A-37
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U18 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
AMHA Goalie Clinics
NSC - Pad B
Timbits U7 Yellow
vs Renfrew Blue Jets
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
vs Pembroke Tier 4 - 1U9G1-40
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
vs Deep River Tier 4 - 1U9G1-41
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 HL2
vs Petawawa Patriots 2U13H-105
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL1
@ Deep River KnightsU13H-116
Deep River
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
@ Petawawa Tier 3 - 1U9T3-39
Petawawa Civic
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
@ Petawawa Tier 3 - 2U9T3-40
Petawawa Civic
U11 Rep
vs Deep River KnightsU11R-56
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 Rep
vs Pembroke KingsU13R-54
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL B
Shared Practice with U15 HL A
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U18 HL2
@ Pembroke Kings 2U18H-102
Pembroke PACC
U18 HL1
vs Petawawa Patriots 1U18H-104
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U18 HL1
@ Renfrew Timberwolves 2U18H-101
Pad 2 - BEI
U13 Rep
Shared Practice with U11 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
Timbits U7 Blue
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Green
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Yellow
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL1
vs Pembroke Kings 3U11H-133
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL2
vs Petawawa Patriots 4U11H-134
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 HL2
@ Pembroke Kings 1U13H-112
Pembroke PACC
U13 HL1
vs Pembroke Kings 3U13H-110
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U15 HL A
vs Petawawa Patriots - AU15A-40
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U18 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
@ Pembroke Tier 3 - 1U9T3-43
Pembroke PACC
U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
@ Pembroke Tier 4 - 2U9G1-45
Pembroke PACC
No events for Fri, Dec 20, 2024
Timbits U7 Yellow
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
@ Pembroke Tier 4 - 3U9G2-11
Pembroke PACC
Timbits U7 Blue
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Green
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL A
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL B
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U18 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U18 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Red
@ Carleton Place U7
Timbits U7 Yellow
@ Carleton Place U7
U13 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
No events for Mon, Dec 23, 2024
No events for Tue, Dec 24, 2024
No events for Wed, Dec 25, 2024
U13 HL1
Bell Capital Cup
Kanata, ON
U13 HL1
Bell Capital Cup
Kanata, ON
U13 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL1
Bell Capital Cup
Kanata, ON
Timbits U7 Blue
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Green
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
Timbits U7 Black
vs Renfrew Yellow Bruins
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
Timbits U7 Red
vs Renfrew Blue Jets
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Yellow
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL1
Bell Capital Cup
Kanata, ON
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
No events for Tue, Dec 31, 2024
No events for Wed, Jan 01, 2025
Timbits U7 Black
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Red
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U18 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U18 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
AMHA Tournament - U11 & U13 Rep B
U11 Rep
U11/U13 Rep Home Tournament
NSC, Arnprior, ON
U13 Rep
U11/U13 Rep Home Tournament
NSC, Arnprior, ON
Timbits U7 Black
Pembroke U7 Fun Day
Pembroke, ON
Timbits U7 Yellow
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Red
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Blue
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Green
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 Rep
vs West Carleton Crusaders1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
AMHA Goalie Coaching Clinic - OFF ICE Portion
NSC - Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
AMHA Goalie Coaching Clinic - ON ICE Portion
NSC - Pad B
U13 Rep
vs Finch Braves1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U15 HL B
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 Rep
vs North Glen Stor Braves2
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 Rep
@ South Stormont Selects2
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U15 HL A
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U18 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
AMHA Tournament - U11 & U13 Rep B
U11 Rep
U11/U13 Rep Home Tournament
NSC, Arnprior, ON
U13 Rep
U11/U13 Rep Home Tournament
NSC, Arnprior, ON
U11 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
@ Pembroke Tier 3 - 2U9T3-46
Pembroke PACC
Timbits U7 Yellow
vs Cobden U7 Team 1
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
Timbits U7 Blue
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Red
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL2
@ Renfrew Timberwolves 2U13H-115
Pad 2 - BEI
U11 Rep
@ Smith Falls Bears3
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
@ Renfrew Tier 3 - 1U9T3-47
Pad 1 - Deslaurier
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U18 HL2
@ Muskrat 1U18H-120
U13 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
Timbits U7 Blue
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Green
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Yellow
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 Rep
@ Renfrew TimberwolvesU11R-64
Pad 1 - Deslaurier
U11 HL1
@ Pembroke Kings 2U11H-146
Pembroke PACC
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
vs Pembroke Tier 4 - 4U9G2-47
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 HL2
vs Renfrew Timberwolves 1U11H-147
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 HL2
vs Barry's Bay Bears 1U13H-120
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U15 HL A
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 HL1
@ Muskrat 2U11H-137
U15 HL B
@ Muskrat 1U15B-069
U18 HL1
vs Renfrew Timberwolves 2U18H-118
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U13 HL2
Can-Am Tournament
Montreal, QC
Timbits U7 Black
vs West Carleton U7 Team 1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Red
vs West Carleton U7 Team 2
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 Rep
vs Petawawa PatriotsU11R-66
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
vs Muskrat Tier 4 - 2U9G1-49
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 Rep
vs Valley StormU13R-64
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U18 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 HL2
Can-Am Tournament
Montreal, QC
U11 HL1
Petawawa U11 House Tournament
Petawawa, ON
U13 HL1
Renfrew U13 House Tournament
Renfrew, ON (Mateway/MyFM Centre)
U13 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL B
@ Pembroke Kings 2U15B-070
Pembroke PACC
U13 HL2
Can-Am Tournament
Montreal, QC
U11 HL1
Petawawa U11 House Tournament
Petawawa, ON
U13 HL1
Renfrew U13 House Tournament
Renfrew, ON (Mateway/MyFM Centre)
Timbits U7 Blue
Cobden Fun Day
Cobden, ON
Timbits U7 Red
Muskrat U7 Jamboree
Cobden, ON
Timbits U7 Green
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Yellow
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 HL2
@ Pembroke Kings 1U11H-150
U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
Shared Practice with U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
vs Renfrew Tier 3 - 1U9T3-52
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 3 - Vipers
vs Eganville Tier 3 - 1U9T3-53
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U11 Rep
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 Rep
vs Muskrat VoyageursU13R-65
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U15 HL A
@ Barry's Bay Bears - AU15A-44
Barrys Bay PJYCC
U15 HL B
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U18 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U18 HL2
@ Barry's Bay BearsU18H-138
Barrys Bay PJYCC
U13 HL2
Can-Am Tournament
Montreal, QC
U11 HL1
Petawawa U11 House Tournament
Petawawa, ON
U13 HL1
Renfrew U13 House Tournament
Renfrew, ON (Mateway/MyFM Centre)
U18 HL2
Eganville U18 House Tournament
Eganville, ON
AMHA Goalie Clinics
NSC - Pad B
U11 HL2
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Falcons
vs Petawawa Tier 4 - 4U9G1-53
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Scorpions
vs Eganville Tier 4 - 1U9G1-54
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
Timbits U7 Black
Shared Practice with Timbits U7 Red
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U11 Rep
@ Petawawa PatriotsU11R-69
Petawawa Civic
U9 Tier 3 - Cobras
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U9 Tier 4 - Hawks
vs Deep River Tier 4 - 2U9G2-54
Nick Smith Centre Pad A
U18 HL1
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U15 HL A
Nick Smith Centre Pad B
U13 Rep
@ Petawawa PatriotsU13R-67
Petawawa Civic
U15 HL B
@ Renfrew TimberwolvesU15B-074
Pad 2 - BEI